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クリスタルヒーリングなどの代替療法 に関すること以外にも、全ての運となる人間関係運・金運( 財運 )・仕事運・恋愛結婚運などの運気を底上げする行動や、トラブルを解決する“ ヒント ”をお伝えしています!

友理香 植野
Healing Crystals for Children and Teenagers
We talk a lot about how to use crystals to cure the stress and issues of adult life, but healing crystals can be just as effective when...

友理香 植野
Remote Energy Healing:Anywhere, anytime, any distance, it's OK!
How does 'remote' energy healing even work? You may wonder how it's even possible but you'll be amazed when you realise that it is! A...

友理香 植野
What to expect in a crystal healing session?
What to expect in a crystal healing session? Sessions will be tailored to you and will differ depending on the nature of your concern....

友理香 植野
What's Crystal healing?
【 In-person:Crystal healing 】 Get in touch with here. 【 Remote-healing:Crystal healing 】 Get in touch with here. What's Crystal healing?...