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エネルギー伝授( 個人作業 ):お好きな時に、お好きな場所で作業が行えます!

Your residence( ご自宅 )


天山は中央アジアのカザフスタン、キルギスから中国西部にかけて広がる山脈です。 日本ではまだまだ一般に馴染みのない国ですが、旧ソ連圏では氷河をたたえる天山山脈の峰々、その雪解け水をたたえ「 中央アジアの真珠 」と称されるイシククル湖や騎馬民族を育む美しい草原など、魅力的な大自然を擁する保養地としても有名なんだそうです。 古来よりシルクロードの要衝として発展し、あの玄奘三蔵も遠く天竺への途上にこの地を訪れているといわれているそう。 実際にある場所で、静かに強いパワーを与えてくれるそうです。 このワークを通して、あなたと天山にある金脈を繋ぎます。 そして金運を活性化し、そのほかの運気の流れも作るという内容になります。  < 注意事項 > テキストの内容は、「 設定方法 」「 金運 」 「 仕事 」 「 対人 」 「 除魔 」 「 ヒーリング 」の方法を載せております。 ➡こちらは個人仕様になりますので、他者へのワーク・品物の作成・伝授は行えません。


【Booking & Cancellation policy】 We understand that it isn't always possible to keep our intentions, but to keep it fair for all clients and teachers we have a cancellation policy in place. We do not make exceptions to this policy. 【 Session bookings 】 Sessions must be cancelled no later than 7days before the session. If you have trouble please email us to cancel your session (this still must be done no later than 7days before). Cancellations cannot be accepted by phone. Late cancellations or no shows will be charged in full. 【 Arriving for session 】 You must arrive at least 5 minutes before the session start time or your reserved it may be offered up to a waiting client. We cannot admit latecomers. 【 Booking suspension 】 Failure to attend booked sessions or late canceling 3 times will result in the suspension of your booking privileges. If this happens you won’t be able to book any more. 【 Refund policy 】 All payments are non-refundable. Should you become unwell or injured, a note from your doctor must be provided and your case will be assessed on an individual basis. 【 Workshops and course cancellations 】 These bookings must be cancelled no later than 7days before the start time. Cancellations within 6days are non refundable and non transferable. 【 Made-to-order of crystal bracelets 】 〇Cancellation We process orders within 24hours. Once the order is processed, we are not able to cancel it. If you contact us within 5hours after your order is placed to request a cancellation and we haven't processed it yet, then we will cancel your order and refund you. 【 Exchanges 】 We only replace items if they are defective or damaged. 【 Sale items 】 Only regular priced items may be refunded, unfortunately sale items cannot be refunded. 【 Shipping 】 You will be responsible for paying for your own shipping costs for returning your item. Shipping costs are non-refundable. We advise using a trackable shipping service or to have shipping insurance as we cannot offer refunds for items returned that are lost in the mail. 【 Disclaimer 】 Our services are in no way intended to be considered medical advice, substitutions for prescription medicine, traditional or holistic medical care. You should ALWAYS consult a licensed medical doctor for any medical, physical or emotional issues.


  • Tokyo, Japan

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